

Bureau of Land Management

Our local BLM offices are being sued to amend their managements plans. These lawsuits are being paid for by US the taxpayers. We need to realize our power and fight back.

Look, learn and COMMENT when available!

Target Timeline

Key Milestone

January 2024

Notice of Intent and 45-day scoping period

March – October 2024

Develop Draft RMP Amendment/Draft EIS

December 2024 – April 2025

Notice of Availability for the Draft RMP Amendment/Draft EIS and 90-day public comment period

March – July 2025

Develop Proposed RMP Amendment/Final EIS

September 2025

Notice of Availability for the Proposed RMP Amendment/Final EIS

October – December 2025

Public Protest Period (30 days) and Governor’s Consistency Review (60 days)

January 2026

Approved RMP Amendment/Record of Decision